perm filename ESW.2LE[AM,DBL] blob sn#515271 filedate 1980-06-07 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
 5-Jun-80 16:15:57-PDT,5546;000000000001
Mail-from: ARPANET site RAND-UNIX rcvd at 5-Jun-80 1615-PDT
From: Don at Rand-Unix
Date:  5 Jun 1980 at 1613-PDT
To: BAUMAN at Usc-Isi
cc: CSD.Lenat at Su-Score, Rick at Rand-Unix, Engelmore at Usc-Isi
cc: Don at Rand-Unix
Subject: Re: Response to your 4 June message.
In-reply-to: Your message of 5 Jun 1980 0613-PDT.

Lee:  Here is the revised letter we plan to send out tomorrow.  Since
you   are  handling  the  room  requirements  I  thought  it
appropriate for you to collect and monitor the requests.  Do
you  have any final revisions? (Especially with regard
to the form for the invitees to fill out).


ATTACHMENT 1:  Local Arrangements

        Arrangements have been made with the Hilton  Hotel  in  San
Diego to provide not only housing accomodations for the Workshop on
Expert Systems but various meeting rooms and several  group  meals.
Please  note  on  your copy of the agenda (from a previous mailing)
that the first organized activity is scheduled  for  4:00  p.m.  on
Sunday  for  the  chairmen/group  leaders.   A  reception  for  all
invitees has been arranged for 7:00 p.m. on Sunday evening  and  we
look forward to seeing all of you there.

        Funds for this  workshop  were  provided  by  the  National
Science  Foundation  and  by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency.  We have carefully allocated the  monies  available  (never
enough) to the various activities required in order to maximize the
workshop functions while  still  trying  to  limit  out  of  pocket
expenses  for  our invited participants.  We think that the balance
achieved  will  produce  a  really  exciting  workshop  at  minimum
personal  expense.  The  remainder  of  this  letter is designed to
assist our invited participants in submitting requests to the  Rand
Corporation for reimbursement of authorized expense items.

        Our budget allows a payment for travel  expenses  to  cover
the excess required for the deviation via San Diego of your trip to
the AAAI conference.  If you live in the San Francisco Bay area  or
closer  to  San  Diego, we will reimburse you for round trip travel
between San Diego  and  your  home.  Reimbursement  for  travel  by
private auto will be at the rate of $.185 per mile.

        We can cover hotel expenses in San Diego from Sunday  night
through  Wednesday night.  The Hilton Hotel will directly bill Rand
$56.16 ($52.00 single rate plus 8% tax) for each of the four nights
that  you  are  registered,  so that amount will not appear on your
hotel bill.  However, you must pay any additional charges, such  as
double room rates, phone calls, room service, or additional nights,
(A double room costs $64.00  per  night  plus  8%  tax,  or  $69.12
total).  Please  fill  out  the  attached  form  and mail it to Lee
Bauman to confirm your hotel requirements for the workshop.

        Funds for meal expenses have been set aside to cover Sunday
dinner  through  Thursday  lunch for most participants.  Government
approved rates allow a maximum of $4.00 for  breakfast,  $6.00  for
lunch,  and  $12.00  for dinner, so please limit your reimbursement
requests to those amounts.  Where group meals have  been  arranged,
specifically  Sunday  and  Monday  dinners  and  most  lunches (and
possibly some others), we are committed to pay the  hotel  directly
for  each  of  you,  so do not include those meals in your per diem
claim submission, even if you choose to eat those meals  elsewhere.
We  will  let  you  know before the workshop begins which meals are
prepaid.  Also, costs of alcholic beverages are not reimbursable on
government grants or contracts.

        For those of you arriving  by  air,  the  Hilton  Hotel  is
serviced   by  the  Airport  Transportation  Services,  a  limosine
service, at a charge of  $2.50.  We  can  reimburse  you  for  this
expense if listed on your voucher submission.

        We have asked a few participants  to  arrive  early  or  to
remain  on Friday.  For these people we can cover the hotel charges
for Saturday night and Thursday night, Sunday breakfast and  lunch,
Thursday  dinner,  and  Friday  breakfast,  as applicable.  Special
travel reimbursements or non  reimbursements  have  been  discussed
with those affected on an individual basis.

        Lee Baumann,  from  Science  Applications,  Inc.,  will  be
helping  with  arrangements, facilities, visual aids and conference
materials.  Please contact Lee during the workshop if you have  any
questions,  require  assistance  or need anything to accomplish the
workshop objectives.


      Rick Hayes-Roth    Don Waterman    Doug Lenat



Mail To:

Lee Bauman

Name    ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←

Address ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←


Room Requirements

 Type of room (single/double) ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←

 Nights required:  From ←←←←←←←←← through ←←←←←←←←←

 If sharing a room with another workshop participant please

 specify name of that participant: ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←

Additional Requests



